The streets are nearly empty, non-essential stores are closed for over a week now, teleworking is the newest trend and Marc Van Ranst is on every news channel. The consequences of this international health crisis are everywhere. But how do you cope with a crisis situation like this as a brand? Influencer marketing has risen to our ever evolving digitalisation. Learn more about the subject below.
Influencer Marketing during the pandemic
People are online now more than ever and they are looking for human interaction. Their go-to place is social media, where they relate to the people that are still important to them. And those can be their influencers. Not only the influencer as a person is important but also the content they bring. As photo studios are closed, this is the time for brands to have influencers create home-content. They make sure the message is translated to the target group in a creative way.
This crisis doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about brand identity anymore, in the contrary. Influencers can help you carry out that identity. They create brand awareness and inform your target group in a way that fits the circumstances. We will see an important shift in content towards what people are really looking for right now. For example we see more content focused on health and exercise, very relevant in times of uncertainty and isolation. Especially when mixed with fun, enthusiastic and optimistic messages that emphasize that we’re all in this together. And we all know, we’re stronger together!
Need help defining your influencer marketing strategy these days?